

JVM Options

推荐JDK 1.8版本,设置以Server模式运行,并设置8g的堆大小。同时,将Xms和Xmx的值保持一致,防止JVM对堆进行resizing。JVM 具体配置如下:

-server -Xms8g -Xmx8g -Xmn4g

如果你不关心Broker的启动时间, 建议设置pre-touch来确保在JVM初始化时(在调用main函数之前)使用所有可用的内存分页,如下:




在JDK 1.8中,推荐使用G1垃圾收集器:

-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16m -XX:G1ReservePercent=25 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30


不要把-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis设置的太小,否则JVM会使用非常小的年轻代来达成这一目标,而这会引发非常频繁的minor GC。

推荐使用rolling GC log file:

-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=30m

如果写GC日志文件会增加Broker的延时,考虑将GC日志文件redirect到a memory file system:



There is a os.sh script that lists a lot of kernel parameters in folder bin which can be used for production use with minor changes. Below parameters need attention, and more details please refer to documentation for /proc/sys/vm/*[1].

vm.extra_free_kbytes, tells the VM to keep extra free memory between the threshold where background reclaim (kswapd) kicks in, and the threshold where direct reclaim (by allocating processes) kicks in. RocketMQ uses this parameter to avoid high latency in memory allocation.

vm.min_free_kbytes, if you set this to lower than 1024KB, your system will become subtly broken, and prone to deadlock under high loads.

vm.max_map_count, limits the maximum number of memory map areas a process may have. RocketMQ will use mmap to load CommitLog and ConsumeQueue, so set a bigger value for this parameter is recommended.

vm.swappiness, define how aggressive the kernel will swap memory pages. Higher values will increase agressiveness, lower values decrease the amount of swap. 10 for this value to avoid swap latency is recommended.

File descriptor limits, RocketMQ needs open file descriptors for files(CommitLog and ConsumeQueue) and network connections. We recommend set 655350 for file descriptors.

Disk scheduler, the deadline I/O scheduler is recommended for RocketMQ, which attempts to provide a guaranteed latency for requests[2].

Last updated