从Java 1.7开始,NIO2中提供了新的操作文件的方式:通过Files和Path。
Path用于来表示文件路径或者文件: APath
represents a path that is hierarchical and composed of a sequence of directory and file name elements separated by a special separator or delimiter。
Copy Path path = Paths . get ( "C:/" , "Xmp" );
Path path2 = Paths . get ( "C:/Xmp" );
URI u = URI . create ( "file:///C:/Xmp/dd" );
Path p = Paths . get (u);
Copy Path path = FileSystems . getDefault () . getPath ( "C:/" , "access.log" );
Copy File file = new File( "C:/my.ini" ) ;
Path path = file . toPath ();
File file1 = path . toFile ();
创建文件/目录: Files.createFile(path)/Files.createDirectories(path)
Copy //创建文件
Path path = Paths . get ( "C:\\mystuff.txt" );
try {
if ( ! Files . exists (path)){
Path file = Files . createFile (path);
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
Path path = Paths . get ( "C:\\mystuff.txt" );
try {
if ( ! Files . exists (path)) {
Files . createDirectories (path);
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
读取文件: Files.newBufferedReader
Copy try {
BufferedReader reader = Files . newBufferedReader ( Paths . get ( "C:\\my.ini" ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 );
String str = null ;
while ((str = reader . readLine ()) != null ) {
System . out . println (str);
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
//Java 1.7 之前获取BufferedReader的方式
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( "C:\\my.ini" ) , Charset . forName( "UTF-8" )))
写入: Files.newBufferedWriter
Copy try {
BufferedWriter writer = Files . newBufferedWriter ( Paths . get ( "C:\\my2.ini" ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 );
writer . write ( "测试文件写操作" );
writer . flush ();
writer . close ();
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
Copy //从文件复制到文件
Files . copy ( Path source , Path target , CopyOption options);
Files . copy ( InputStream in , Path target , CopyOption options);
Files . copy ( Path source , OutputStream out);
Copy //属性
FileTime lastModifiedTime = Files . getLastModifiedTime (path);
long size = Files . size (path);
boolean symbolicLink = Files . isSymbolicLink (path);
boolean directory = Files . isDirectory (path);
boolean sameFile = Files . isSameFile (path1 , path2);
Map < String , Object > stringObjectMap = Files . readAttributes (path , "*" );
Path path = Paths . get ( "/home/digdeep/.profile" );
PosixFileAttributes attrs = Files . readAttributes (path , PosixFileAttributes . class );
Set < PosixFilePermission > posixPermissions = attrs . permissions ();
posixPermissions . clear ();
String owner = attrs . owner () . getName ();
String perms = PosixFilePermissions . toString (posixPermissions);
posixPermissions . add ( PosixFilePermission . OWNER_READ );
posixPermissions . add ( PosixFilePermission . GROUP_READ );
posixPermissions . add ( PosixFilePermission . OTHERS_READ );
posixPermissions . add ( PosixFilePermission . OWNER_WRITE );
Files . setPosixFilePermissions (path , posixPermissions);
遍历一个文件夹: Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)/Files.list(path)
Copy //方式1
Path dir = Paths . get ( "D:\\webworkspace" );
try ( DirectoryStream < Path > stream = Files . newDirectoryStream (dir)) {
for ( Path e : stream) {
System . out . println ( e . getFileName ());
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
try ( Stream < Path > stream = Files . list ( Paths . get ( "C:/" ))) {
Iterator < Path > ite = stream . iterator ();
while ( ite . hasNext ()) {
Path pp = ite . next ();
System . out . println ( pp . getFileName ());
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
递归遍历一个目录: Files.walkFileTree
Copy Path startingDir = Paths . get ( "C:\\apache-tomcat-8.0.21" );
try {
Files . walkFileTree (startingDir , new SimpleFileVisitor < Path >() {
@ Override
public FileVisitResult visitFile ( Path path , BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
System . out . println ( path . getFileName ());
return FileVisitResult . CONTINUE ;
} catch ( IOException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
文件系统 API